6 Tips for a Stand Out Job Application

We all know what’s needed to apply to a job – a strong cover letter, resume, and great references. Unfortunately, this isn’t enough to secure an interview or the job! Those hiring today are truly looking for quality applicants, and that doesn’t just include your experience.
Quality applicants take the time to truly invest themselves in the hiring process, and in turn, receive much more response from these applications. Check out our top tips for a job application that stands out!
Read the description
First and foremost, take the time to really learn about the position for which you are applying. When you really want a job, it’s best to focus on those positions that excite you while playing to your professional strengths.
To stand out on your application, include words and skills that you have that match the job description. This presents your qualifications in the best light, while showing that you paid attention and took the time to apply specifically for that position.
Learn about the company
If you want to be a stellar applicant, you must take some time to learn about the company. Read their website, visit social media profiles, read press releases, news articles, and so on. It’s also helpful to read about the industry, especially if there isn’t too much information available from a specific company.
This helps you to prepare for the interview, but it also allows you to be more connected to the application process. This exercise might also help you realize, one way or another, if you’re the best fit for this particular company. In speaking with a hiring manager, you may have to answer questions that include a bit about the company and why it’s a fit, so take the time in the beginning to really get to know them.
It’s also helpful to ask yourself, “How can I best contribute?” Learning about the company will also show you where they shine and where they struggle, allowing you an opening to show where you would best fit in.
Be precise
Make sure your grammar and and spelling is impeccable! Your application should truly have zero mistakes and put your best foot forward.
To avoid any errors, run all spell check and grammatical checks in your word processing program, but also send your resume to friend and/or family members who may be willing to help. Having a few extra sets of eyes look over your work can truly be the difference between a stellar and mediocre application.
Be prepared
When you decide to embark on your job search, gather all of your information into one place. In addition, create a checklist that ensures that you have everything you need to be successful. Create or edit your resume, draft a brief (but bulleted) cover letter, contact your references, and be specific to the position in all of this. With all of these materials ready to go, you’ll be set to go when the right position presents itself.
It’s much easier to set aside time before your job search, and it avoids procrastination in applying, as well as forgetting anything when you come across an ideal opportunity.
Be specific
Create each cover letter and resume for each job position. You shouldn’t have to change your resume too much, but you can still spend some time focusing on specific sought-after skills and experience to highlight. Focus on the best attributes for this particular position, not simply which results or experienced that you liked best.
Also, ensure that your cover letter is specific to the job position. Hiring managers and employers don’t want to feel like you aren’t a good fit, nor do they want to feel like you’ve just sent your information in a mass spree to dozens of other jobs. Show that you took the time to highlight what they’re seeking, and your response should be much greater!
Put in your best effort
The ultimate hiring decision is up to the company or hiring manager, but you can send the time to put forth your best self. It’s very apparent when an applicant takes the time to do their best, which will reflect in you receiving more calls and interviews.
It can seem daunting to create separate documents and edits for each position, but that’s why you should truly pick positions for which you’re qualified for and very interested in. Invest the time and care in those applications that will be a great fit for you, and you’ll find that you might be the ideal match for your future employer!