3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Working From Home

When a home-based worker tells someone that they work from home, they are instantly envious. They imagine days spent laying on the couch and working whenever it’s convenient. While working from home certainly has some excellent perks (flexibility, casual clothing and more time with family, to name a few), it is still work!

Read along and ask yourself the following three working from home questions before obtaining home-based work. It’s important that you understand and realize the changes that are about to take place before committing to a work from home position.

  1. Why Do I Want to Work From Home? It’s a misconception that working from home involves laying around in your pajamas and watching TV. Yes, you could do that, but you would get very little accomplished! Working from home is still work, and establishing why you want to do so is important. A home-based career can change your life in wonderful ways, but it can also be a shock if you aren’t prepared for the changes. Are you pursuing home-based work to have more time with your family? This is a great reason and one that will give you the motivation needed to succeed.
  2. Are My Skills Applicable To a Home-Based Position? If you’re a lab scientist, it might be tough to find a work from home job. It’s not impossible, and you can lend your skills to tutoring, technical writing, project-based work, and so on, but it’s not as easy as finding social media or editing work. Consider your background and industry before applying for home-based work, since jobs that often require you to be on site will not always translate into many work from home options.
  3. How Will This Change My Lifestyle? Working from home is a change! You will be home each day, which is both wonderful and challenging. You will be in your house, so it’s tough not to notice the things out of place or the rug that needs swept. When you work outside the home, those things are put aside till later. You will also notice that the errands and chores may fall more to you, and sometimes that is easier since you’re at home during the day. It’s important to know that home-based work provides a lot of flexibility, but it can also bring more work to your day. This can make scheduling a bigger challenge, and you’ll have to be extra diligent with your time.

Take these working from home questions to heart. While it’s a great experience, it’s also a major lifestyle adjustment that’s not for everyone.

Check out these other great articles about home-based business as a work from home professional. Also check out our home-based job descriptions and current job postings for mom professionals.

(Image courtesy of Master isolated images at FreeDigitalPhotos.net)

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4 Secrets of the Most Successful Home-Based Workers

Whether you work from home or know someone who does, we all know home based workers who makes it look seamless! Success in a work from home position can be easier said than done, but with a few organizational and logistical shifts, you can create calm and productivity in your home-based career.

  • Focus: Focus is always #1 for a reason! Have a “to do” list, utilize a program such as Trello or Basecamp for task organization and checklists, and put everything into a daily calendar or schedule. Set your alarm for each task, and give each task a set period of time. To improve focus, take frequent stretching, exercise or snack breaks to keep yourself mentally sharp. When successful home-based workers are able to accomplish so much in a day, it’s because they give a lot of thought to their focus and how to eliminate the unnecessary.
  • Minimize Distractions: It can be tough to do in a home environment, but it’s entirely possible! When you work from home, not only do you have the computer and other work distractions, you have the distractions of home, family, pets, and so on. Set yourself up for success by creating a separate workspace or eliminating noise and distractions in your main living spaces. If you’re able to, get out of the house a few times per week to get away from home distractions. If you find that distractions are coming between you and your work, adjust your schedule around them to avoid losing time. You can truly accomplish so much in a home-based position, as you don’t have the typical office job distractions; you just have to prepare for it!
  • Prioritize: Successful home-based workers know how to prioritize everything in their lives. When you look at your list, it can be overwhelming to look at your day on paper, but it’s also incredibly helpful. Number your tasks by order of importance in order to complete the most crucial tasks first. Prioritizing your day can really make a difference in your productivity level, and successful work-from-home moms are incredibly productive!
  • Keep it Real: Treat working from home like a real, normal job with set hours and a professional set up. The most successful home-based workers don’t see their jobs as less important or less effective than a typical office job, so you shouldn’t either. While you have the advantage of working from the comfort of your home, treat your work assignments and daily work life as you would in a corporate office.

These four secrets of successful home based workers will make you become the envy of all your friends and family. Start applying these tips today.

Check out these other great articles about home-based business as a work from home professional. Also check out our home-based job descriptions and current job postings for mom professionals.

(Image courtesy of David Costillo Dominici at freedigitalphotos.net)

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