Get Out of Your Own Way! Face Your Fears & Rise!

Face Your Fears and RISE!

Do you think you are the only one who deals with fears? Nope not even close. According to a study by EMC Corporation, 84% of people hold on to irrational fears, not even real fears. “Irrational fears, ranging from using the coffee machine to wearing the wrong clothes, are keeping people awake and preventing them from being successful,” according to research commissioned by Mozy® by EMC.

That last part is what I want you to see: fears are preventing you from being successful.

Is that you? Do you have some fear, real or irrational, that is keeping you from being successful?

Perhaps you have a fear of:

  • Failure?
  • Success?
  • Not being good enough?
  • Being a bad parent?
  • Not making or having enough money?

What is it you are believing about yourself?

Because these fears are causing you to have limiting beliefs about yourself and your abilities.

So what can we do about it?


Action Item #1: Disprove the Lies

Think about what fears or thoughts you are believing.

Maybe there are several.

Write them all down.

Now I want you to write down at least 3 things that disprove that lie.

Example: I doubt myself and my abilities.

Truth: I have overcome so much in life.  I was:

  • raised in a single parent blue collar home,
  • a first generation college student graduating with honors,
  • then awarded a full scholarship to obtain my master’s degree in Scotland, 
  • started my business at age of 29


So FEAR is: False Evidence Appearing Real

Once you dissect your fears and see that they are mostly if not all false, you empower yourself in huge ways!


You need to overcome your fears and believe in yourself and what you do. If you don’t believe in yourself / your services, how can you expect anyone else to?

What you believe will dictate what you think on a moment by moment basis…  which leads to my next action item.


Action Item: Just Do It

Whatever you’re fearing, decide today to do ONE thing that will move you in the direction of overcoming that fear.

Because action is the antidote to fear.

You need to take action every day! You are only one decision from the next big thing.

We make tiny decisions all day long that can lead us in the right direction or in the wrong direction. Make a choice which direction you will allow your thoughts to take you.

Know that you may never FEEL like doing something, DO IT ANYWAY!

Practice the 5 second rule which says “if you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill it.

When you feel yourself hesitate before doing something, count 5-4-3-2-1-GO and move towards action.

Stop trying to wait until you’re perfect or your product or service is perfect. Start now!

Another acronym for FEAR is Face Everything and Rise.

So my challenge to you is to Face it and RISE!

There is a reason God tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:5 “we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” We make are thoughts align with His truth.

Take action today to move away from fear and towards your goals.

You are worth it!


Ready to work from home? Get training to be a VA, a Bookkeeper? Post a job?

What is YOUR next step?

We’d love to help!




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4 Tips to Achieve Ambitious Goals

Achieving goals is a prominent concept in business, life and self-development, and it’s for good reason.  When we set goals, we’re more likely to get where we want to be in life.  Although establishing these goals is a lofty and admirable practice, there are ways we can go about them that will ensure that they’re much more achievable!

Write it out

We often forget things if we don’t write them down.  Think about going to the grocery store without a list – we often end up forgetting several things.  The same can be said for to-do lists and other means of writing down reminders.  First of all, by writing down your goals, you’re more easily able to remember them on a daily basis.  Additionally, writing down your goals makes them that much more real.

Visualization is another large part of goal-setting, so if your goals are time-oriented, purchase a wall or refrigerator calendar so you may see your goal date, daily steps, or time passage appropriately.  When you can actually see something in front of you, it’s a more constant reminder of what you’re trying to achieve.

Every day, every week

Do one thing every day or every week to work towards accomplishing your goals.  It can be as simple as reaching out to someone, making a contact, networking, completing a document, or anything small that will help you on your way to success.

Choose an interval that works best for you.  If you know that daily practice isn’t possible, stick to weekly.  When you keep this momentum going, no matter daily, weekly or monthly, you’re more focused and able to come back to what’s important.

Be realistic

Goals must be realistic to be obtained, and what’s realistic for you may not be the same for your friends, partner, or family members.  You know what you’re able to accomplish, and you also know that goals require you to push a bit.  We feel much more accomplished when we’ve strived for a goal and made it happen, so ensure that “realistic” does not mean “easy.”

With that in mind, set goals that are able to be accomplished in a set amount of time.  By keeping time ambiguous, you’re less likely to commit.  Set a specific goal, with a time frame, that is possible within the scope of your lifestyle and willingness to accomplish it.

Move forward

If you’ve reached a goal, go a step further or establish a new, more bold goal that is similar.  You can also choose another step forward that will complement your prior achievement.  Setting, achieving, and moving on from goals is all part of self-improvement; we can stretch ourselves and work to improve and grow.

Goals don’t need to be scary or unobtainable dreams – they can be a real part of your life that allows you to strive for more and gain a true sense of accomplishment.  Reach for your goals, whether they are personal, business-related, or simply related to improving yourself.

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