5 Ways to Prepare for a Skype Interview

Skype is a major communication tool in our modern world, and it’s not any different in business. With more telecommute positions becoming available across the country and beyond, more and more employers are utilizing Skype interviews to keep low costs and increase the chances of finding a suitable job candidate, no matter the location.

While a Skype interview may be a bit less conventional, it’s still a crucial step in the job process. The next time your interview is over your webcam, utilize these Skype interviewing tips below to ensure success.

1. Dress to Impress: It’s not an official interview in an office, but it’s still an interview. By dressing like you’re going to a regular interview, you get yourself into that mindset. Additionally, the interviewer can see part of you, so it’s important to look your best. Dress for success! Wear your favorite interview outfit, even if you’re just taking the call in your spare bedroom. Take the time to make yourself look your best, since we often perform better that way.

2. Remove Background Clutter: Look around your interview room, make sure that you don’t have random clutter in the background. This does not look professional and may be distracting to your interviewer. Turn on your camera before the interview begins and make sure that all clutter is cleared from visible spaces.

3. Hire a Babysitter: If you’re at home with the kids all day, hire a babysitter during your interview time. It’s worth it from a time standpoint too, because you’ll need time before, during, and after the interview to debrief and get yourself situated to do a good job. It’s worth hiring a babysitter and eliminating any distractions from your kids to ensure a positive interview. You’ll know that your kids are being well cared for and have everything they need, versus rushing an interview to get back to them in the other room.

4. Step Away From the Noise: This should go without saying, but be sure to turn off all radios and televisions before your interview. We can’t always do anything about our neighbor cutting grass outside or any other noises from the outdoors, but we can eliminate them inside our homes. Do your best to choose the quietest room in your home and turn off anything that would make a noise; this includes your cell phone and any alarms or notifications on your computer. If you have pets, keep them outside during your interview, or ensure that you are far enough away from them to avoid barking or other noises.

5. Print Your Qualifications: Have you resume, notes, and any other qualifying documents ready to go. This is an important tip for any interview that does not take place in person, since you can reference these documents as you proceed. Since you’ll be on video, it will be difficult to be discreet and walk across the room to access your notes, so be sure to have them ready before the interview begins. Additionally, keep a pen and paper with you and let your interviewer know that you are taking notes at appropriate times.

You are sure to make an impression on your potential employer by utilizing all five Skype interviewing tips. Start here by checking out our current work from home job postings.

Check out these other great articles about interviewing tips as a work from home professional. Also check out our home-based job descriptions and current job postings for mom professionals.

Interview Tips, Work from Home Success, Work from Home Tips

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