Interview with Lesley Pyle, Founder of HireMyMom.com
Describe yourself in 3 words.
I had a hard time describing myself so I asked my husband and my 2 oldest children, ages 20 and 18, to help me and they said: Faithful, Selfless and Benevolent.
What’s your educational and experiential background?
I have a B.A. degree in Journalism / Public Relations from Texas State University. I also have a MSc. degree in Marketing / Public Relations from the University of Stirling in Scotland. I worked briefly for a golf school in Austin, Texas upon graduating with my Master’s. It was while working there that I became pregnant with my first child and gave up my job to start freelancing from home. It wasn’t long after that that I started the national association of Home-Based Working Moms (www.hbwm.com) in 1997 to help moms working at home network and support one another.
What led you to start HireMyMom?
After working with moms across the country for many years who wanted to work at home, I saw the acceptance of working from home grow in popularity. I knew there were thousands of talented moms who had or wanted to leave the workforce to work from home. I also knew many home businesses, entrepreneurs and small businesses were looking for talented professionals to help their businesses to grow but many did not need full-time or on-site employees. Hence the idea for HireMyMom.com. I already had a large following on HBWM.com which gave me an opportunity to offer another option for working at home.
Do you have any future vision(s) or ideas for HireMyMom?
I would love to capture more of the small / home business and freelance “mom professional” market. There are big name competitors out there but none specifically target these markets or have the personal touch that we offer. As not only a Mom Professional but also a home business owner, I understand the needs of both sides. I am passionate about helping both sides find the best solution for their needs. I am looking to expand our market to help more of these moms and businesses.
What’s your favorite thing about running HireMyMom?
Just like the moms who use the service, I love the freedom and flexibility working at home allows me. It means so much to be able to go have lunch with my 3rd grader or take the day off to spend with one of my college kids. I also love hearing of the success stories from those who have found the perfect job for them as well as those businesses who find a rock star to help their business flourish. It is very fulfilling!
When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
As a school-aged child, I really had no idea what I wanted to do. No one in my family had ever attended college so it wasn’t really an option that I was offered or even considered. After losing my dad at age 13, I watched my mom struggle to work and support three kids on a very modest salary. I knew I wanted more but had no idea how to get there. After graduating high school, I worked for two years as a secretary before getting laid off in one of Houston’s oil busts. It was then that a friend encouraged me to start taking college classes at a local community college. Once I realized it was possible and that someone believed in me, the sky was the limit. I transferred to a state university and graduated at the top of my class and subsequently was awarded a full scholarship to get my master’s degree in Scotland. I had aspirations of being a very important [wink wink] corporate PR executive. I wanted an office in a tall building downtown where I could revel in the hustle and bustle of a high-paced career and a fast-paced city. But then….. things changed. I had my first child and somehow all of that became unappealing and unimportant. What I really wanted to do was work from home so that I could raise my children and care for and love them every step of the way. Working from home became the greatest career option I could ever dream of. Twenty years later, it still is!
What’s one fun fact about you?
I am an online missionary for Global Media Outreach (www.globalmediaoutreach.com) where I get to encourage, pray for and disciple people from all across the world including Africa, Asia, Iran, Iraq, Canada, Europe and more. We are able to reach people who may have no other way to hear the good news of Jesus and His amazing, powerful love for them.
Mompreneur, Small Business, Success Stories, Work from Home Success, Work from Home Tips