HireMyMom Success Story: Cherelle Cramer
Tell us about you and your experience finding work on HireMyMom.
I am a military spouse, full time student and a new mom. Over the seven years of being a military spouse, I have learned that it gets harder and harder to start over everytime. Well in June of 2019, we got pregnant with our first child, a girl! We lived everyday for just us two, now we live for her. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to become a stay at home mom or put her in daycare. In July, we found out we got PCS orders to move. Now in a new place, I had to start all over again! I was able to get a job but I was on call. I wasn’t guaranteed hours so we couldn’t afford daycare. Then coronavirus hit the U.S. hard. In a financial hardship, I contacted my bank, the Navy Federal Financial Advisors to see what I could do. My advisor told me about HireMyMom.com. Within three weeks, I was offered a job! 👏🏼
What are your top tips for landing a job or jobs on HireMyMom.com?
I would say I know some of you looked at the membership fee and was like, why do I have to pay. I did the same thing but I promise you it is worth it! When you get access check everyday, apply everyday if you can. Make sure to include a customized cover letter every time.
What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your work from home journey?
I wish someone would have told me that it isn’t easy working from home all the time. It is definitely different than working in a traditional office setting.
What is something about you that many people don’t know?
That I am a workaholic. I can’t stay still.
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