Employer Success Story : Nicole Liloia
What is your top advice for small business owners looking to hire remote talent?
It’s so important to not only be specific about the support and skills you need now, but also assess what you might need in the future so that you can stick with the same person and further their role with your company. It allows you to avoid having to hire multiple people and saves you both time and money.
What is your top tip for working with a virtual team?
Have regular meetings with them so that there is open communication — don’t just reach out to them via email or a project management tool. Connect with them regularly through zoom so you can get to know each other better and learn more about each other’s personality so you can support each other better as well.
Why did you decide to use HireMyMom.com for your hiring needs?
I had gotten an amazing recommendation from a client and was excited to try them out myself.
What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your business career?
To make sure I continually nurtured connections with other business owners regardless of how busy I was at the time — it really opens you up to new possibilities that you might not have known about otherwise and also allows you to get multiple income stream opportunities as well.
What do you see as your greatest success in life?
Leaving my only 9 to 5 job when I had experienced extreme burnout and taking time off to travel and see the world. It was actually my inspiration to create an only business 8+ years ago because I wanted the ability to travel anywhere while I worked so that I could stay longer and absorb the culture more.
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