Employer Success Story- Justin Silver
What is your top advice for small business owners looking to hire remote talent?
Have a very specific vision for what you’d like your remote team member to do. Also have scheduled check ins to make sure they are supported.
What is your top tip for working with a virtual team?
Don’t over do it with the zooms and google meets. Virtual fatigue is real and requires that teams take the necessary time off each day to stay hydrated and focused. Start your meetings with a 5 minute break every once in a while to give the team time to decompress.
Why did you decide to use HireMyMom.com for your hiring needs?
I heard great things about the platform from a friend and fellow entrepreneur.
What piece of advice do you wish someone had given you at the start of your business career?
Even people who are senior to you are just people. There is no need to be nervous when talking to anyone, they’re all just people.
What do you see as your greatest success in life?
Creating an exciting company with an amazing co-founder!